I posted in here how well he was doing previously. He started to learn how to read after being in Kumon for only about 6 weeks. He even perfected his two achievement tests.
The problem now is that he doesn't want to do his worksheets. He hates writing. He does the reading but doesn't want to do the writing. Previously, he answers his homeworks but really slowly and I needed to push him for him to be able to finish it. There's one time when he told his teacher "I don't like you!" while the teacher was telling him to finish his worksheets. If he fights his teacher like that, how much more with me at home?
The head of the center talked to me and told me that we need to reduce his load of worksheets from ten pages to five pages per day. The reason she told me is so that Zach won't have a negative implication about studying. Until he gets the hang of it.
He still does the worksheets with lots of motivation, prodding, convincing and bola-bola about the pictures in the worksheets or just about anything. To tell you honestly, it even comes to fighting.
As his teacher suggested the last time we went to Kumon center, I give every page of worksheets to him one by one. At first, it works. But later on he doesn't want to do it again. I also don't quite approve of this technique coz I want Zach to build a study habit that is regular and focused to his studies when it's study time.
I felt that I've tried everything already. And I thought once that I want to quit teaching him.
Do you have the same dilemma? How did you deal with it?