Homemade Survivors

Homemade Ice Cream

Survivors from the past vacation. As I've mentioned before, I've been making our own ice cream eversince I learned how to do it using our ice cream machine. We no longer buy from the store. For one, I can add the toppings that I like as much as I want. It's not that sweet compared to store-bought ones. And of course healtheir since it has no preservatives. 

Though I control myself not to always have one in the fridge coz last summer my weight added up because of these delicious babies. But it's been a while since I've made one so I let myself indulge a little.

Flavors:1. Oreo cookies in chocolate ice cream 2. Toasted marshmallows, cashew nuts and semi-sweet chocolate chips in vanilla ice cream.

Work hard, eat hard! What?! Hhh. I made that up.


Have great day lovelies!


Enchie said…
Jona!Hope all is well! I also make our ice cream. Got my ice cream maker for fre. Enjoy gumawa at mas matipid hehehe!
JonaBQ said…
Korek! Wow for free, how blessed :D
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