Been to a Worship Camp last April 19-21, in Casa San Pablo, Laguna, Philippines. The vid was during our morning devotional. It's so refreshing!
I and hubby left our sons with their grannies. But there's no time for us to miss them. Though from time to time we thought about them and shot them prayers. We know that they're in good loving hands.
Our Friday, Saturday and Sunday was full-packed. We praised God through singing, reading scriptures, learning songs, and fellowshipping with the worship leaders of the Philippine Family of Churches of Metro Manila Christian Church. We came home with lots of joy, fresh insights and pumped-up Spirits to worship God. Iba ang level when you worship together with worship leaders. It's so full of Spirit! And that's the kind of worship that we want to have in Metro Laguna Christian Church.
To tell you honestly, I can't sleep anymore! I can't wait for us the worship team of Laguna to be together again to practice new songs. I've researched and studied some new songs already! I emailed mp3 and lyrics to our group (Laguna Worship Team) for them to study as well. So we can share them to our church in Laguna.
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Made For Worship |
One thing I've learned and I want to apply in my life is one of the lessons shared by Tyrone Ty, Worship Leader of Metro Manila Christian Church. He said that
"Worship should happen all the time. It doesn't stop as we go out of the church door."
Worship doesn't only come from singing songs or saying your prayers to God. Worship should show how you live your life. So as I do the laundry, wash the dishes, cook our meals, clean the house, weed the garden, parent my kids, write my blogs, talk to our neighbors, it should be to glorify and worship God. Because we are made for worship.
In grade school, they always let me sing in the classroom and school programs. In high school, I was part of the glee club and we win in inter-schools. I was a songleader from when I was a young Christian until now. God has set me up to be a worship leader. He gave me the talent to sing not to boast of it but to worship Him. God chose me and I feel humbled and grateful. All the glory to God!
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.- John 4:23-24 (NIV)
Image by CosmoPhoto