I had first borne a son which is what I wished for. But even though my doctors say I can't have any more babies due to my heart disease, I dreamt of having a baby girl.
I got pregnant with baby #2 and knew from my OB that I'll be ligated as soon as the baby's out. On the sixth month, the sonologist announced that it's a pair of eggs. I cried hard that night.
It's all wonderful to raise little girls. They're innately sweet, cuddly, warm, expressive and innocent. Boys are stereotyped as stick-bearing, rough, gun-loving, mud-digging small creatures. But here are some wonderful things I've learned about raising boys. With some back-ups from Science that let me understand my boys more.
1. Boys Respond To Your Touch More
I should have titled this subpoint- Boys Don't Listen. But I saw my title "Wonderful Things" so it's more appropriate to choose a positive subpoint title.
If you notice your son doesn't listen, yes they don't. But they're not all at fault. Boys' hearing are less sensitive than girls right at birth and the difference becomes bigger as they grow. That's why girls also learn speech faster than boys in general. Girls tend to understand better what's being said because the part of the brain that's responsible for verbal processing develops sooner in girls.
When your son seem to not listen, add a gentle touch to your message. Touch his shoulder or face to catch his gaze and tell him he has 5 more minutes of play before you leave the playground. Pick up your 1 year old before telling him it's time for his bath.
2. Boys Love Sticks And Cardboard Boxes
With a stick in hand, your boy can turn himself into a wizard, a scientist, a musician, an explorer, a fireman, or a builder. A stick can become a gun, a magic wand, a baton, a torch, a hammer or a steering wheel. Leave them with cardboards and you'll soon see a castle made of boxes. Boys have fun imagination and creativity. And you'll realize that sticks and cardboards are the most inexpensive and fun toys around.
3. Boys Love To Cuddle.
Boys love to swing sticks like a sword or pretend fight like Thor. But boys do love to cuddle too.
I was sad at first when my sons don't reciprocate. But they soon learned to cuddle and say I love you at around age 3. They both love to sleep at my left and right. (Then the daddy squeezes in after the boys are asleep already hehe).
It feels so warm to get unexpected hugs, kisses and I love yous from my boys.
I love being a mom because of these.
More in my next post....