Wednesday Whites: Haircut At F Salon

Thw whitish surroundings of F Salon is just relaxing and refreshing. 
The hairdresser was happy to give Winter a haircut as he's very behaved on the parlor seat.
They first thought that Winter is a girl.

It's my turn next time. Tell you the truth, I'm excited.

It's double the price of the current beauty salon that I go to. (But still David's is the pricey one.) But it's worth it for the pampering and pleasure that it could give a stressed mom like me :D 


Cookie said…
I like his name, Winter. Cool! (",)
It's alright to pamper yourself once in awhile. Hope you'll share with us your new look on your next post ;-)

visiting from my WW entry. hope you can drop by mine at:
clarizze said…
oh, we have f salom here in the city, kala ko localize lng un :)
he is a cute little kid..

I dropped by and said hello
raya said…
haha I thought he's going to have a very short hair cut.. he is so cute Jona! he is like a male version of you. Yeah, post your pics of your turn ha? I'll wait for it. Me too, I need to have one.. bday present for myself. ;)sorry for the late visit,was out for a week.u