This was a scheduled post but I don't know why it didn't came out last week. Anyway, I'm using this chance to share it for Family Time.
Last Saturday, the daddy had a (pre-nup) shoot session in Tagaytay, Picnic Grove. So to forget my little tampo to hubby for not bringing us with him despite my proddings, I and the kids had a dip at the village pool. And also the summer heat pulls you to the water.
Look at kuya Zach! I convinced him to use the floaters instead of holding on to the pool side. He got his palms and fingers wounded last time from rubbing on to the cement for a long time. He eventually discovered that he doesn't sink with the floaters. So I taught him to wave his arms and kick his legs. And then he's so happy that he can swim with the use of the floaters. He said he's like a jelly fish :D
He's so afraid before when we try to teach him how to swim. Hope he can learn how when we teach him little by little.
With Gabe, he's still content splashing water from the shallow part.
Oh! the photos aren't bad. I used my Samsung Champ phone.
Have a great day everyone!

tahnks for the visit :)