I got pregnant the first time after 1 and 1/2 years of being married. We planned not to be pregnant for 1 year. We have me and hubby as our own babies for the first 1 year of our marriage :) Then I thought it'll be easy to conceive just when you want to. There were times when I felt sad every time my period comes. But after 6 months, God gave us a healthy embryo in my womb.
I started to lose my appetite and hated hated the smell of instant beef noodles. I've never hated any smell like that in my life. But aside from that, I didn't have any problems with my first trimester. No morning sickness. Just once, I vomited for having eaten too much. haha! :D
My tummy just continued to bulge until the coming months when I regained my taste for food. My OB gave me multivitamins and told me to drink milk twice a day (Yikes! I stopped drinking milk when I was 4 yrs. old) and eat everything I want. Which the latter I was so willing and happy to oblige even if I wasn't told to. I didn't gain much weight though, 125 lbs. total pregnancy weight, if I'm not mistaken. Maybe because I walked alot. I walk part of the way going to office and back home. But I remember I was so sleepy everyday and our boss allows me to sleep in the office. haha! :D
I was always excited for monthly check-ups coz I know I will be hearing my baby's heart beat through my OB's fetal doppler. Hubby had a chance to hear it too.
During my ultrasound at 6 months, it felt so great to see the red tiny dot beating fast through the monitor. We were so happy to know that the gender of our firstborn is a boy. I wanted a boy for my first.
At 38 weeks, when my OB did an internal exam on me, she told me to have an ultrasound since she can feel small parts - feet or hands and not the head. Her hunch was confirmed in the ultrasound. My baby was in footling breech position.
Since I have a Rheumatic Heart Disease, my OB's first plan was to have me on painless normal delivery. But because of my baby's position, I was scheduled for C-section delivery the week after that. It's riskier than the normal delivery but there's no choice since the baby didn't move until the last hour when they run another ultrasound.
In short, my baby was delivered through C section and weighed 3.06 kgs. I'll be sharing my birthing experience in another post.
After my delivery, we were advised by my doctors not to have another baby due to the great risk for my heart condition. They called my baby "golden boy." But after 2 and a half years my OB was surprised when I came back to her. It was unexpected as well for me and hubby. But I knew in my heart that I wanted another one even if the doctors advised me before not to have another baby. And during my first check up with my second baby, my OB told me right away that I should be ligated after she delivers the baby.
For my second pregnancy, it's quite the same with my first one. No morning sickness (just felt nauseated twice), and of course the normal pains of pregnancy. But this time I resigned from my new job of 5 months in my 4th month of pregnancy. I felt like my back's breaking especially in the last months. And still the same dilemma. Especially this time when we knew at first that he will be delivered through CS. My OB wants my baby to be leaner when he comes out. She ordered me to take 4 glasses of milk everyday (eeeekk) and eat meat. She said, "Kawawa naman ang baby paglabas ay payat."
In the 7th month, I was so excited to know the gender of my baby.
Since we knew that this will be the last, I've been wishing for a baby girl. I was dumbfounded upon hearing the sonologist say that he's seeing "eggs." That night, I needed to cry out to God for my heart to be resolved.
At 38 weeks I gave birth to my bunso, another baby boy, who is a little bit bigger than my first one. Though I felt he's still tiny after all the efforts hehe :D
I'm so grateful to God that He has given me the opportunity to experience how it is to have a little person inside me and finally seeing and touching him. For me, it's more on the emotional and mental pains, knowing and not knowing the risk of pregnancy and giving birth when you have a heart condition or any chronic illness (or even without). But I really felt that God was there with me all through out these experiences.
More tales of preggyhood at Mommy Moments!
Thanks for sharing your preggy tales with us. Pregnancy is such a miracle, di ba?
By the way, I was wondering if you can help me by commenting on my post at Memorable Moments