Zach, showing the chocolates that I got him in Christmas 2008 |
My kids are always delighted when they receive Christmas gifts! But I asked them once what they want for Christmas and they're not decided. My eldest son said he wants a big, real piano (as he saw from cousin's house) and then the next minute, he wants another hotwheels car instead. Then the little boy would just always follow what his kuya would say about what he wants. By observation, they don't think much about getting presents on Christmas. We don't always talk much about receiving gifts either. Though I'm so sure they'll be receiving from titos and titas.
As much as possible I want them to distance from the commercialism of Christmas. I always remind them about Jesus as the reason why we celebrate and the reason why we give gifts on Christmas.
My son would mostly mention about giving his friend, classmate and neighbor X a gift. He mentions about giving his girl friend J (at this point there's a space between girl and friend, ok), his cousins D and L some Christmas gifts. He would even get a pad paper and wrap an old, torn toy or used pencil or scissors. And label his "gift" "To" and "From." So cute!
Seeing my son do that, I see the purity of heart in giving. It's really the thought that counts when you give. So it doesn't always have to be material things or something big and expensive.
Your time and love are priceless. Learning big things from little hearts there!

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Giving love and prayer to our loved ones is more priceless :)
merry Christmas to you and your family!