Causes Of Constipation

Gabe's having constipation since before he was a small baby. It started when his formula intake was heavier as a growing baby.

It was really awful when he tries to poop. The poor baby was so pitiful. He tries to poop and yet nothing comes out. It can even take 3 to 4 days before he can finally poop. And his anus is always wounded. And after the incident, he's really exhausted. Sometimes he falls asleep while I'm still cleaning him up. His poop looked like rocks or stones. They're big, dry and hard. I have constipation at times (in the genes) and it really is so painful. Not to mention that it's uncomfortable in the tummy when there's something that you want to eliminate and you can't.

Because of this, I researched about the causes of constipation.

  • The root cause of constipation happens in the colon when it absorbs too much water and salt from the wastes. Or when the colon's muscle contractions are slow, the stool passes down also slowly and the waste becomes harder and drier. 
  • Inadequate water intake
  • Inadequate fiber in the diet
  • Lack of physical activity 
  • Large amount of dairy product intake
  • Change in lifestyle or routine
  • Stress
  • Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
  • Abusive use of laxatives, which over time may weaken the bowel muscles 
  • Medical conditions such as stroke, diabetes, thyroid disease, and Parkinson's disease


Unknown said…
i am constipated ever since...been a long,long time...:)
JonaBQ said…
Hi Imriz, I know the feeling. Up next is my post about the cure for constipation. thanks for the visit!