My sons' hairstyles are of typical boys. I'm afraid they might get irritated with hair gels. I want to try styling their hair though when they get bigger.
Zach @ 6 mos.
We used to tie Zach's hair into a ponytail coz it's getting to his face and he'll be scratching it. Many mistake him for a girl.

10 mos.
The hairdresser gave him a mohawk before shaving all his hair off. This was his first haircut.

Zach was 3 while Gabe was turning 1 yr. old here. They call them Doro. I usually just trim their hair. Sayang bayad sa barbero. hehe...

Now the trimmed look for Kuya Zach just before school started.

Click the badge for more kids' hairstyles.
Zach @ 6 mos.
We used to tie Zach's hair into a ponytail coz it's getting to his face and he'll be scratching it. Many mistake him for a girl.

10 mos.
The hairdresser gave him a mohawk before shaving all his hair off. This was his first haircut.

Zach was 3 while Gabe was turning 1 yr. old here. They call them Doro. I usually just trim their hair. Sayang bayad sa barbero. hehe...
Just got from the barber look.
Now the trimmed look for Kuya Zach just before school started.

Click the badge for more kids' hairstyles.
and i like the mohawk!!! :D hahah
thanks for the nice comments Chris :D
Here’s my entry for Mommy moments. Entry one and two . I'm late, as usual :)