Like other kids, Zach and Gabe love bubbles. During bath time they hug their bodies and form a big bubble as they raise their arms.
Gabe dosen't know yet how to blow bubbles. So there's only a photo of Zach blowing bubbles.

This was taken in Manila Zoo last year.
More blowing bubbles fun at
My 2 year old barely know how, so mommy make these every bath time. Although we bought battery operated toys for the bubbles but it only lasts for days, (or i think hours?) and my toddler can empty bubble mixtures bottle for an hour or two.
He is sooo into it that he gets mad when he founds out there's no more left and got easily irritated when his blowing only results for only a little bubble so he'll immediately hand it to mommy =D
btw, i love your header mommy, one happy family.
Bubbles at Nostalgic Marveling
I soo love your header,Mommy Jona!I find 'em cute,too^_^
Happy Mommy Moments!
kids really love bubbles. I play bubbles with my kids too, until now.. =)
nice blowing bubbles moments! here's mine -