How To Put Image In Blogger Header

Being someone who didn't have formal schooling in web design, and has a hubby who is a web developer but doesn't want to help but is so busy, there's no other option but to use the blogger template designer. he just wants me to learn by myself. And I say it's rewarding!

Hubby first designed my blog but I wanted to have the header photos updated. I tinkered with the blogger templates and got a new design that I liked. Then I noticed there are lots who use the same template and design. So I redesigned it and discovered that I can put my own image at the header.

Here's how:

1. Sign in to Blogger and go to design tab.

2. You'll see "Header" and click "Edit."

3. Attach your image from your computer file or from a web link.

4. Choose where you want your image to be placed in the header. I chose mine "behind title and description." I also checked "shrink to fit" coz my image is too big.

5. Save and view your blog.

If you need to edit your image, you may upload your photo to Click edit and you may crop, resize or fix your photos through the Picnik app. Attach it again to your blog header and voila! You now have a blog that you can call your own.


Mommy Kharen said…
I added you on my links sis. I enjoy much of your post.. hope you can add mine too..thanks..
Bravespirit said…
Hi Jona,

I am like you, not really a techy blogger but I find it amusing to tinker with stuff, like blogger. I have also managed to change my blogsite header by myself. Nice header you got there. I added your link and will be visiting you here regularly. See you!