I'm so happy with my new template design (grin ear to ear). Blue has been my favorite and I had an eye on greens when I got married to someone who loved it. I should've listened to a suggestion of bluegreen as our wedding theme color. Oh nonsense! that was more than 6 yrs. ago (going 7). I actually wish for bluegreen curtains hanging in our windows.
Thanks to the new blogger design app. Oppss! walang gagaya! Or someone's having this design already before I knew it. Anyway, I'll try to add personal touches for some originality.
Been busy with the kids and the home lately. And my mind was caught up with preparing Zach for his first day in school. At night, I was exhausted and asleep if not spending time with hubby watching a movie. A new template is an attempt to make up for what's lost :D
Happy weekend everyone!