The best medical information available in an emergency situation is very important for Doctors and Emergency Medical Technicians to be able to give the best treatment. When a patient is unconscious it is very hard for doctors and EMTs to get the most reliable information in the absence of relatives. Critical treatment could be delayed without reliable detailed information, which could mean the difference between life or death.
I have chanced upon a very special heart and globe that you can wear as a necklace or use as a keychain for men. What's so special about this heart is that it contains your detailed Personal Health Record and other vital information. And for a person like me who has chronic heart illness, this is a very helpful tool in times of emergency or even just regular visits to the doctor. Inside the heart or the globe is also a mini compartment where you can put your emergency medicine which looks like this:

It's lovely and life-saving at the same time. I want to save money for such a wonderful device.
Your family's PHR can also be encoded here like your children's vaccination records, a copy of birth certificates and the following crucial information:
* pictures – for identification
* medications – also includes over-the-counter supplements that doctors need to know
* allergies – like drug, food or environmental
* medical conditions - like asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure
* medical devices or implants, such as joint replacements, pacemakers, shunts
* emergency contacts - who do you want called first in an emergency?
* doctors’ contact information
* advanced directives – like a living will or power of attorney
* insurance information – you know how important that can be
In an emergency, these are the life-saving details readily available to physicians and EMTs when they plug the very special heart or globe to the computer.

With the easiest access to a digital health record, there's no problem dealing with incomplete or incorrect medical information, which may lead to redundant tests, increased medical costs or serious medical mistakes.