No photos last Saturday. We're in the clinic as Gabe's having fever in and out since Thursday. No cough, no colds, no tonsilitis that's why the pediatrician ordered a lab test of his blood and urine. Waiting for his weewee to be collected in the wee bag made us stay in the hospital lobby for hours. Until we decided to do our planned grocery and hubby will just be the one to go back to the lab to bring Gabe's weewee. Finished our grocery but still no weewee so we just finally went home.
The whole Sunday, Gabe's fever didn't come back. We're not able to give Gabe's urine sample after two unsuccessful attempts. Maybe it's just really a viral infection as the pedia says that the fever will just go away after three days. We're not able to give Gabe's urine sample after two unsuccessful attempts with the wee bag. We'll just get the blood test sample but I'm just glad the boy has no more fever for two days now.
These photos were form last last weekend. We spent the day in Festival Mall.
Sbarro's our favorite

Kuya Zach and hubby rode the roller coaster. Didn't anticipate that the ride here was much higher than in Storyland or in EK. Zach didn't want a 2nd try unlike in Storyland where he came back to the ride for nth times.

In the Fairy's Wheel

We played in Tom's World and Gabe didn't want to go out anymore.

Sorry Gabe, it's time to go home.

The whole Sunday, Gabe's fever didn't come back. We're not able to give Gabe's urine sample after two unsuccessful attempts. Maybe it's just really a viral infection as the pedia says that the fever will just go away after three days. We're not able to give Gabe's urine sample after two unsuccessful attempts with the wee bag. We'll just get the blood test sample but I'm just glad the boy has no more fever for two days now.
These photos were form last last weekend. We spent the day in Festival Mall.
Sbarro's our favorite
Kuya Zach and hubby rode the roller coaster. Didn't anticipate that the ride here was much higher than in Storyland or in EK. Zach didn't want a 2nd try unlike in Storyland where he came back to the ride for nth times.
In the Fairy's Wheel
We played in Tom's World and Gabe didn't want to go out anymore.

Sorry Gabe, it's time to go home.
