Zach's love language is quality time. He appreciates it so much when you spend time with him. Like watch movies with him, read books together, send him to sleep, do craft together, tell stories etc. He loves it when I play computer games with him. Reason why I'm getting addicted to Canyon Defense on :D
He also feels loved with physical touch. He lets me kiss his booboo to make him feel alright. A kiss and hug brings back his security and comfort after seeing a mad mommy.

Winter's love language so far appears to be physical touch too. He loves to play tickle, loves to give a crushing hug which looks closely like wrestling.
Wrestling is his way of making lambing, which Kuya resists most of the time.

Physical touch Being physical

He also feels loved with physical touch. He lets me kiss his booboo to make him feel alright. A kiss and hug brings back his security and comfort after seeing a mad mommy.
Winter's love language so far appears to be physical touch too. He loves to play tickle, loves to give a crushing hug which looks closely like wrestling.
Wrestling is his way of making lambing, which Kuya resists most of the time.
Physical touch Being physical
