With Love Wednesday: Cool Change

With Love Wednesday

Our theme for this week is about the things we love to change about ourselves or any changes we have made since the coming of the new year. It can be about your physical appearance, habits, character, or even parenting styles.

One of the changes I'm doing is following a daily schedule. I have a schedule in mind actually but this time, I want to follow it diligently. I want to do better in my time management and being consistent.

I'm lazy by nature and I want to beat that. A daily schedule helps. And makes the children secure. I'm also making a "NO TV BEFORE WORKSHEET" rule. It means Zach needs to do his worksheet first before he can watch TV. After breakfast, worksheet comes next. It works, so far.

Afternoon naps should be followed everyday too. Not just for the kids but for me too. They sleep longer in the afternoon so I can still do anything while they're still sleeping. I can still blog ;)

Don't want to be a "robot". But a more productive and happier mommy. Next, a happier family.

I know you have lots to share with this topic.
