With Love Wednesday this week features "Christmas Gifts" that we loved to give or the ones we received. People have practiced "giving" during Christmas as we remember the birth of Jesus who gave us his life that saved mankind, the most important gift that nothing can ever replace. The first gift-giving occurred in the Bible in Matthew 2:11b "Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh." Just an important note by the way, no three kings mentioned in the Bible :)
Anyway, the gift that I loved the most is from hubby. He knows what I want. Coz I told him hehe :D

Among all the gifts I gave, I love this the most. A new bible for hubby. We share with one Bible since he lost mine. I want him to have his own so he can bring it anywhere with him. I love giving this also because I bought it using my blogging money ;D
Still the best gift I received this Christmas was LOVE from family and friends. Gift-giving is just one way of expressing our love.
Share your precious Christmas gifts with us. Grab the badge code at the sidebar and add your linky!

The theme next week is "Noche Buena or Media Noche." Talk about what you love the most about the holidays. You may choose one from the two celebrations or pick both. Happy day!