Sitting Car

The car has been sitting in front of the house for two weeks now. Problem with the alternator...again. Bringing it to the auto shop would mean thousand bucks. And our transportation expenses when we go out increased twice or even triple the amount than when we refuel the car. We weren't sure if we're going to buy a new or second hand car, or we're putting it in a shop with good auto parts for overhaul. We're considering body overhaul like repainting, air conditioning and changing seat covers etc. but keep the engine. They said that the engine is still in excellent condition so it's best to save it. By the way, the papers are being arranged to transfer the ownership to hubby. We can't decide yet what to do coz both choices will be needing an amount of money and we don't have yet. So for now the car will be sitting there for how long, i'm not sure.
