Here's the rule:
~Click the badge and get the code then put the logo on your blog sidebar and post.
~Tell us what is your contribution to our planet? You live here for sure you've got something to share!! Post any pictures or share some of your ideas on how to help and save out planet Earth.
~Post these rules.
~Share this meme-tag to as many bloggers as you can think.
I'm not a part of any environmental orgs but I believe in taking care of our mother earth. This is a complete habitat suitable for living, given to us by our Creator.
"The highest heavens belong to the Lord,
but the earth he has given to man." - Psalm 115:16
In my own little way I believe that I could contribute to saving our Earth.but the earth he has given to man." - Psalm 115:16
- Eversince I can't remember, I really put to mind not to throw even tiny candy wrappers anywhere but only into the bin. I put wrappers in my bag or pocket when there's no trash can around then just throw them in the trash when I get home. I've started to educate my eldest about this too.
- We segregate our garbage at home.
- I don't smoke (anymore).
- We use led lights instead of big flourescent lights and yellow bulbs (are there people who still use this?)
- We try to save electricity as much as possible.
Got more ideas Kikamz, Mira, Ohmymama, Roselle, Tetcha, and Vina? Anyone of who has something to share please grab this tag!