1. Link with the person who tagged you.
2. Copy above images.
3. Post this on any or all of your Blog/s.
4. Answer the two-part questionnaire following these Rules. (Feel free to elaborate your answers. For questions 8 - 14, post only the one (1) which you believe best describes your choice.)
5. Share this with at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll.
6. Come back to Living A’ La Mode (DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK PLEASE.) and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
Master List:
- Tet of A Sweet Taste of Life
- Cee of Living A' La Mode
- Dez of My Life in this Wonderful World
- Vanniedosa of Life With Style
- Mhay of Married and Happy About It
- Eds of Eds Mommy Life
- Enchie of Sweet Nothings
- Jona of A Time to Weep and a Time to Laugh
~ Parenting Style ~
1. Do you exercise full or minimal control over your child’s / children’s behavior?
Yes, I exercise full control over their behavior.
2. Do you expect your child / children to obey 100% or let her / him / them do what pleases her / him / them?
I expect them to obey what I say but I still understand that they are children and will do what they want. They need to be guided from time to time.
3. Do you welcome discussion or you simply set rules?
I ask and let my child explain his side and I think it's important to hear what your child needs to say. From that, I will correct what needs to be corrected.
4. Do you reprimand?
5. Do you use spanking for punishment?
Yes, when the need arises. But I don't want to call it as punishment. I do it so that he will remember that disobedience leads to pain. It's like telling him don't jump from the chair and he still does and breaks his leg. disobedience = pain
But before AND after the spanking, I talk to him and explain why am I doing it or why i did it. Most importantly, he needs to understand why.
Proverbs 13:24
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
6. Do you use some kind of a reward System for motivation?
Yes, sometimes. As much as possible I reward them with kisses, hugs and words of encouragement whenever they obey me or do something nice.
7. Do you enjoy being a Parent?
Yes, yes, yes. I love being with them and seeing their silly antics. Though there are times that I get impatient and I become a monster to them. I really feel sorry for those times but I'm learning. I'm trying my best to be more loving and affectionate to both of my sons everyday.
8. Are you a hands-on Parent or do you have a full-time Nanny?
I have someone who helps me in the house and to take care of the children but I stay home so I'm still "hands-on" to my sons.
9. At what age would you let your child make simple decisions for himself / herself?
We let him (my 3 year old son) make simple decisions already. Ex. in a mall, he only has to choose one, wafer stick or the candies.
10.Do you and your Husband have the same Parenting Style?
We thought we both have the same parenting style when it comes to discipline. But in actual, there were lots of times when we disagreed. We felt that things are not working for our budding toddler so we sought advice and talked about it. I'm happy that we are now united with how we discipline our children.
~ Wife Style ~
7. How long have you been married?
approaching 6 years on July 13, 2009. The Scripture that we hold on to since we were still steady dating:
2 Corinthians 1:21-22
21Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
8. How do you feel about being a Wife?
I feel secured. Loved.
9. What has been your typical sleeping attire since you got married?
The nighties is an additional to my wardrobe. I don't wear them everyday (night) though.
10. How do you show how appreciative you are of your Husband?
I always tell him I love him and I always thank him for the things that he do, big or small. I give him a back massage. That's also a time for us to be able to talk about the day.
11. What do you do when your Husband annoys you?
sigh, keep quiet, pray. Then I tell him about it when my emotion has quite subsided already.
12. You are buying or planning to buy your first house as Husband and Wife….
We didn't really plan like this time or that time we'll buy our own house. It just happened that a friend invited us for a tripping. After that, we became interested and visited other properties in different places. Compare, compare, calculate then decided. It's exciting when we were just picking out the lot from the map. There's also a feeling of fear, if we really can pursue with the downpayment and amortizations. But God is so good. We just moved in here last June 2008. Tons of things to fix like we need more shelves and set of curtains, etc.
13. How does your house look like at the end of the day when Hubby gets home?
Before, it's chaos when I still don't have a helper with me. Hubby, tired from work and the long travel needs to pitch in, sweep the floor and tidy up the toys while I cook dinner. He hates to see those mess. But now, he comes home to a clean home. A place of refuge. YEY!
14. How do you feel about running a household?
A queen...most of the time a cook and a milking machine, other times a yaya, a gardener, a police, teacher, G. R. O., doctor, name it! hehe :D
15. What is the sweetest gift you have given your Husband so far?
myself on our wedding night. AAYYY!
Please join us in this tag mommies and wives. Grab it while it's hot!