A heart-shaped pancake for hubby to greet him on Valentine's Day morning. Eating at the working desk.
The card says "LOVE doesn't always soar from the the heights. Sometimes it screeches up the driveway and bounds up to the door carrying a pizza box and a movie, forgetting to wipe its feet". Didn't get the meaning of it at first that I needed to read and think and ask hubby. hehe :) It's true, love is not always grand. It's up to the person how you make love special.
Dearest Beb, Just letting you know that I love you so much and that I'm so happy to have you as my partner, friend and wife. It's fun sharing life with you. Happy Valentine's Day to the one I love. Love, Honey. *kilig*
The other one is a devotional book called "Women of the Bible."
My simple gift is a heart-shaped chocolate. See, love is not always big. hehe :) I'll make up to you someday honey. I love you!
