I was so happy to be at my mom's for her birthday. Too bad we didn't have a decent cam to capture the moments. Hubby used the D40 in the office that's why I wasn't able to bring it.
Mama seemed happy during her day. At her 60th, she surely didn't look like her age. I wish I could be as fabulous looking like her when I reach the same age, hehe. I wonder if I'd be coz I'm not as diligent with having a regular skin regimen as her. After bathing, she cannot not have those creams or lotions to her skin. But I can see that it's worth it.
We're back home yesterday and I'm again missing the chitchats with my mother and sisters. Our youngest sister is speaking Japanese as part of her school curriculum. It sounded like we're in Asian Chat rooms. Hehe!
Mama seemed happy during her day. At her 60th, she surely didn't look like her age. I wish I could be as fabulous looking like her when I reach the same age, hehe. I wonder if I'd be coz I'm not as diligent with having a regular skin regimen as her. After bathing, she cannot not have those creams or lotions to her skin. But I can see that it's worth it.
We're back home yesterday and I'm again missing the chitchats with my mother and sisters. Our youngest sister is speaking Japanese as part of her school curriculum. It sounded like we're in Asian Chat rooms. Hehe!
