First Christmas on December 29, 2008 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps We chose to celebrate the Christmas in our home coz it's our first Christmas here. We thought the two kids won't be awake but Gabe woke up just in time while hubby and I were saying our prayers to give thanks for all the blessings for the year and greet Jesus a happy birthday. Zach didn't give a tantrum when I woke him up...what a small gift can do. Opening of gifts came first coz kuya Zach can't wait anymore. I had chocolates for the three boys and I was happy to see them delighted with the simple gift that I can afford to give. Then we started our simple feast of baked mac and cheese, skewered chicken and veggie salad. Sorry, the buco pandan jelly didn't come in time for the Christmas Eve. Our first Christmas was special, intimate and warm. I love it!Hope you all had a Merry Christmas too! Comments