Wonder Cream

Zach has this thing on his arm and shoulder for sometime now. We don't know what this is and where he got it. We called it chicken skin coz it looks like "chicken skin." After applying Bioderm ointment for two weeks, it only got worse. So when we went to his pediatrician, we got him check it and he said it's a windburn. Now we know it's not buni (ringworm) hehe. He recommended Elovera Cream. I've been applying it to the area and the "dots" are starting to subside. This is the same cream the pediatrician Rx'd before for Gabe's dry skin peeling after days he was born. And now I use it for the scars made by his rashes. I also use it for Zach's dry skin especially for his dark knees. And now I call it the wonder cream. I understand now why it's a little bit costly. Sadly I think it's only available from our pedia since I don't see it from drugstores or even beauty sections of some department stores.
What I understand from the label, it contains natural ingredients from herbal Aloe Vera plant extract and Vitamin E. I've read a lot that Vitamin E is good for the skin.
