The Grey Color Code

Thursday, I have submitted my first opp and just waiting for the approval. So Friday, I checked for new opps but there's none. Evening, still no opps. Bloghopped, wrote some, checked opps again and there's one opportunity! But it's in grey color code....meaning the opp is available but all the posts have been reserved. Been checking all the opps and I feel like my blog suites some of them but nothing is available for me. Hay! I hate the grey code.

1 Corinthians 3:7-8
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.
God encouraged me this morning in my quiet time. If there is a conflict, I'm sure that God is telling us something and we need to listen.
He's teaching me to be humble before him. I felt humbled by the scripture above. I realized once again that I am nothing and everything depends on God's mercy and grace. I can't do anything but only do my best.
He's teaching me to rely on his power and not my own. I am not in control of everything. But God is not selfish and he will reward us according to our labor.
He's reminding me to go back to my purpose. (verse 8 The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose...) I got more focused on earning the first time I got an offer. I forgot that I am doing this for his glory and not mine.
He's teaching me to be faithful. I've been asking in my prayers but he's not given what I want. He reminded me to ask with humility and faith. To be still and be patient. And wait for his timing. To have faith that he will give me success in my blogging opportunities.
But if we fail to succeed, God has a purpose. We may not understand for a while but it will be revealed to us in time.
So for all of us bloggers, keep the faith. Let's volt in!
