When I decided to blog again, I thought it'll be easy. Since I'm just home, I can write anytime I want to. But I realized I was wrong. Because the work at home is a 24-hour job. From bathing the kids, feeding them, tidying up after them (which goes on all throughout the day), getting them to sleep, then you need of course to attend to your own needs as well. I have been lost with all the things I need to do that at the end of the day I will just realize that I haven't read my bible or even prayed. And i realized that's the reason why it's just so hard going through the day. I thought I really need to have a daily schedule even if I just stay home. So I wrote it down in my notebook. I don't follow it dot to dot as I might get crazy but I try to do it around the same time everyday. And last week I chanced upon the google calendar. Haven't completed plotting my schedule yet but I guess this would make my life easier.
Writing things down really helps. I have a notebook where I write the things I have learned in my bible reading, any thoughts, prayers and messages from the church services. Sometimes I also draft my blog entries there. I am contemplating of changing my blogging schedule. According to my notebook, my blogging schedule is during the kids' naptime in the afternoon. But lately, I'm finding it hard to follow because one kid wakes up shortly after being put to sleep. I'm thinking of going to the computer at night after I put the kids to bed. But still needs to think about it because I hate to be up late every night since I need to wake up early. Hay! What to do? I need to find a way cause this will be my lifestyle. Otherwise, life is lifeless.
