Descent Connection Please

Not sure if it's because we haven't paid the ISP yet for the service. I received a reminder from them through SMS 3 times already in three weeks. The internet connection wasn't totally cut (thank you), but the connection is so slow that most of the time I get failure in connection after waiting for 2 minutes. But this also happens even when we were paying on time. The problem is, we have no other choice. There are only two ISPs serving our area. We have tried the other provider too and it's worse. Or, use a USB type of connection. Which I wonder if would work better.

Even my email gets disconnected. Sadly, I can't use the chat function continuously. I've been used to this email host and I'm not about to go to a different one.

Tomorrow, we need to go to the ISP office to pay. I tried to pay it from a different payment facility that used to accept payments for the ISP. But yesterday, the attending person received error when she tried to access my account for several times. The only reason I could think of was that the account is long overdue. Hope things will change by tomorrow. And hope this post gets published.

This is just my small rant and don't get too much affected.

Good day everyone! Happy weekend!
